Cognitive aspects of learning outcomes of a student in the first cycle of 25% with an average value of 60 increased by 100% with an average value of 86. The student's activity increased from the first cycle of 67,79% to 81,27% in the second cycle.

Based on the results of the study, it showed that the enforceability of the implementation of the Think Talk Write (TTW) technic has increased from the first cycle that was 83% to 93% in the second cycle. The subject of this research is students of X IIS 3 that consists of 32 students. Every cycle consists of 3 meetings through 4 steps, that is planning, doing, observing, and reflecting. This research uses qualitative approach by class action research, which was done in 2 cycles. This research was conducted in order to determine how the application of learning technic Think Talk Write (TTW) on activity and learning outcomes of student in economic subjects x IIS 3 in SMA Laboratorium UM.