Specially-designed cast-iron fence is POWERTEC 148070 8-Inch HSS Jointer Knives for Delta 37-365 X5 DJ20, Set of 3 4. This uniform, close clearance to the cutting blade acts as a more efficient chip breaker. Brush (Sold Individually) Fix Number FIX10106168.

As shown in the figure below, a workpiece is fed across the jointer’s infeed table and over the knives, which are set at top dead center to the height of the outfeed table. They have discontinued this model with the delta 36-L552 which goes for $3k-2700 new (difference is 5hp motor instead of 3hp). For example, today I have a jointer head listed on eBay that you could buy for $200. Assembly was easy and the directions precise no missing parts. The jointer features a three-knife cutterhead that works smoothly at 4,800 RPM to create 14,400-cuts per minute. For longer times between sharpenings, or for running troublesome materials such as Hard Maple, Hickory and etc. Even with rollers removed snipe is a problem. DELTA 36-R31X-U50 X5 10-Inch Right Tilt 3 Horsepower Cabinet Saw with 50-Inch Unifence, 2 Cast Iron Extension Wings, Table Board, and Legs, 230-Volt 1 Phase.Delta x5 jointer blades 6in DELTA X5 Model 37-866X Professional Jointer from Bid On Equipment.