If you didn’t use Winamp as a kid, the play button might be a bit hard to find. Otherwise, get comfortable, let’s nerd out about music and synthesizers for a while, and avail yourself of this handy little high-tech embedded MP3 player if you wish to sample how I use synthesizers as I discuss them, there’s both live improvisations and painstakingly sequenced songs: This article is pretty long, so feel free to skip to the relevant sections using the table of contents if you only care to know what’s the deal with VCV alienating third-party developers. The developer community’s issues with VCV’s toxic environment have been hidden from public view by VCV, so I’m discussing it on my site instead. I’ve always been interested in synthesizer technology, and last year, I’ve started to create a few weird virtual modular synthesizer modules for VCV Rack, with the goal of creating my own integrated system of modules for performing aleatoric and generative music. I heard music sells better when it has a genre, so I looked up genre names I could use on Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia, although I’m not really sure what they mean. I call it “ Baroque Technopop” or “ Pastorial Industrial” music depending on its mood. I’ve been making weird videogame-influenced electronic music since forever. Hiya hello hi what’s cool and good, I’m Aria Salvatrice, some sort of multimedia artist and software developer from France